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Buy cava, wine and wine tourism experiences in the Penedès (Barcelona)

Harvest time in a Paraje Calificado Vineyard

From: 48.00




3,5h approximately


Have you ever visited a Paraje Calificado vineyard? Do you know what it is?

In Vins el Cep we offer you the possibility to taste, in its place of origin, one of the 10 Cavas of Paraje Calificado that currently exist in the market: the Cava Claror.

We will start the activity from the winery, enjoying a short walk through the vineyards until we reach Can Prats, our Paraje Calificado.

There, you will discover the history behind Vins el Cep and how we work Can Prats in organic and biodynamic viticulture. Then we will taste the Cava Claror.

To have a rounded morning, you will enjoy a lunch prepared by Cal Soler and a very special tasting of our wines and cavas and, then, in order to learn the secrets of the harvest and learn how to make a good wine, we will have a tasting of different musts in the winery.

To finish the activity, we will visit the Winery and the Cellar where we will discover the final process of making wine and cava.

The Cava de Paraje is the result of a special and specific place, of a vineyard and an estate that due to its characteristics (location and terroir) is different from the rest.

The requirements to be a Qualified Cava de Paraje:

  • More than 36 months of aging.
  • Vines over 10 years old.
  • Maximum yield of 8,000 Kg/Ha
  • Qualified smaller area
  • Extraction yield control limited to 48 Hl/Ha.
  • Manual harvest
  • Vinification on the property
Cava only from vintage
  • Full traceability from the vineyard to the marketing of the bottle
  • Qualification of the base wine
  • Classifying tasting
Distinctive specific qualitative control

The activity includes:

  1. Guided tour of the vineyard until you reach Can Prats (Qualified Site) and tasting of Cava Claror.
  2. Breakfast with local products Km0 from Cal Soler.
  3. Tasting of musts from the 2024 Harvest at the Winery.
  4. Guided visit to the winery.

Breakfast menú by Cal Soler:

  • Mini potato omelette
  • Five vegetable cereals with tuna and tomato
  • Recapte toast with vegetables and sausages
  • Mini salad with tomatoes, fava beans and quail egg.
  • Iberic Ham
  • Fuet
  • White boiler bull
  • Brie goat cheese
  • Fruit skewer
  • Water and wines/cavas Vins el Cep
  • Coffee and chocolates Simón Coll

We are waiting for you!

*Activity for adults only
*Due to inclement weather this activity can be done indoors.



SKU: 12JZE-2-2 Category:


For any other questions or concerns related to visits, contact reserva@vinselcep.com or send Whatsapp to 620246257.